Euroopan ammattitaitoviikolle ehtii vielä ehdottamaan palkintoehdokkaita 15.6 asti!

Hyvät ammatillisen koulutuksen järjestäjät,

Euroopan komission vuosittain myöntämät ammatillisen huippuosaamisen palkinnot (VET Excellence Awards) jaetaan Euroopan ammattitaitoviikon (European Vocational Skills Week) päätapahtumassa lokakuussa. Koska päätapahtuma järjestetään tänä vuonna Suomessa, olisi erityisen hienoa, jos ehdolla olisi paljon suomalaisia ammatillisen koulutuksen huippuosaajia. Palkintoja jaetaan muun muassa ansioituneille opettajille, koulutuksenjärjestäjille ja työnantajille. Tarkemmat tiedot palkintokategorioista ja ehdokkaiden ehdottamisesta löytyvät alla olevasta komission viestistä sekä osoitteesta


Oppisopimuspalkintokategorioissa ehdokkaita voi ehdottaa 15.6. asti.


Mika Tammilehto


European Vocational Skills Week 2019

The Vocational Skills week (14-18 October 2019) is a European Commission initiative to highlight the very best of training and skills through thousands of events and activities across Europe in order to show why vocational education and training are a smart choice for individuals and companies. Vocational Education and Training (VET*) excellence can be showcased by recognising committed people, organisations and outstanding projects.

This is why excellence awards are organised in the framework of the Week. The awards that are open now for application have different targets (companies, teachers and trainers, etc) and different deadlines for application.

Nominees Awards Celebration event will be held in Helsinki on 17 October. The prizes consist of a trophy/certificate handed out by Marianne Thyssen, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility.

We kindly invite you to mobilize your partners to apply for one or more of these awards.

The application procedure is simple – more information about the awards and application can be found on the site of the Week.

In particular please look at the awards:

Training at Work     (deadline 31 May 2019)

Teachers and trainers  (deadline 10 June 2019)

Innovative VET provider (deadline 10 June)

The registration of associated events/activities/Employers’ days across Europe set up by VET providers, public authorities, companies etc. – local, regional, national – to illustrate the depth of stakeholder commitment to skills development is open.

Please consult the Commission’s Week webpage

Do get involved!

  • Use your networks to inform others about the objectives of the Week,
  • Apply for the excellence awards or mobilize your stakeholders to apply (as relevant)
  • Organise an event and get it associated with our Week (can be done until the end of the year),
  • Use social media to tell others about VET and the Week,

*VET includes technical and vocational education